
From the Docs

Dr. Rico Short on Separation Anxiety

Dr. Rico Short on Separation Anxiety

Meet Dr. Rico Short from Smyrna, Georgia as he shares his wisdom and tips on how to reduce anxiety around file separation and why he loves EdgeEndo files. Read more to find out Dr. Short’s “8 Golden Keys” to minimize separation and why he chooses EdgeEndo.

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Dr. John Ha – Switched to Edge Endo!

Dr. John Ha – Switched to Edge Endo!

Meet Dr. John Ha from Oahu, Hawaii. He wanted to improve his root canal technique but working on an associates budget he needed to find more cost effective solution to the high prices of rotary files. Dr. Ha documents his comparison of the EdgeFile® to another leading rotary NiTi file. Want to learn why Dr. Ha is a believer? Read the article on EdgeEndo.com.

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